| 1995 | (6) |
| نيابة الشخص عن غيره في التصرف المالى Author: مردان كونش Department: Shariah Faculty: Shariah and Law Degree: LLM Year: 1995 Call No: MS 297.14 م ر ن
| A General Equilibrium Model of Customs Union among Muslim Countries Author: Salman Ahmad Department: Economics Faculty: International Institute of Islamic Economics Degree: PhD (Economics) Year: 1995 Call No: PhD 330 SAG
| أحكام القسمة فى الشريعة الإسلامية دراسة فقهية مقارنة Author: شريف الله محمد ابراهيم Department: Shariah Faculty: Shariah and Law Degree: LLM Year: 1995 Call No: MS 297.14 ش ر ا
| A General Equilibrium Model of Customs Unions among Islamic Countries Author: Salman Ahmad Department: Economics Faculty: International Institute of Islamic Economics Degree: PhD (Economics) Year: 1995 Call No: PhD 330 SAG
| Scheme Differentiation for a Comprehensive and Equitable Takaful Business (With Refernce to Takaful business in Malaysia) Author: Sanep Ahmad Department: Economics Faculty: International Institute of Islamic Economics Degree: PhD (Economics) Year: 1995 Call No: PhD 368.00919 SAS
| طرق ابطال العلة Author: جغيم ،نعمان بن مبارك Department: Shariah Faculty: Shariah and Law Degree: LLM Year: 1995 Call No: MS 297.141 ج غ ط